Air purifying, Chrysanthemums, are not a typical houseplant.
The mum can be grown indoors with a little bit of care. They’re more challenging to grow, but if you’re up to the work, they can be a beautiful addition to your indoor garden.
Mums enjoy good air flow, bright indirect sunlight, and watering with only warm water. Make sure you allow the soil to dry out completely between watering. They like well-drained potting soil.
The trick to encouraging flowers is to shorten the length of time they’re in the light. If you reduce the amount of light to under ten hours a day, they should begin producing those lovely colorful flowers for you.
Remember that direct sunlight is harmful to a mum and keep them in an area of filtered light.
It’s also important to provide nitrogen and potassium to your mums during their vegetative phase. Feed before the flower buds start forming to produce healthy roots and buds. Feed them monthly until they begin to bud, then stop for the fall and winter.
Mums are known as one of the best air purifiers around. They remove ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene from the air.
Keep them in any room that offers indirect sunlight.
- Word of Caution: These plants are toxic to cats and dogs (and horses), so keep them out of reach of your pets.
Signs of ingestion include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of coordination, and dermatitis.